[Nut-upsdev] ETIME on FreeBSD

Arjen de Korte nut+devel at de-korte.org
Mon Jan 25 08:20:23 UTC 2010

Citeren Daniel O'Connor <doconnor op gsoft.com.au>:

> FWIW I've attached the current patches to the NUT port.
> The USB one will probably have to stay until the libusb stuff gets
> sorted out.. I made a stub port which supplies the necessary support
> scripts for auto* to find it out of the box. Unfortunately it hasn't
> been committed yet because it's going to need some extra work so the
> correct version is chosen. ie the "real" version for FreeBSD <8 and the
> stub for >= 8.

Could you also check the latest versions of the trunk? There have been  
changes to the autoconf macros recently and from what I can tell, at  
least the nut_check_libusb should be fixed now.

Best regards, Arjen
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