[Nut-upsdev] Liebert ESP II driver

Arjen de Korte nut+devel at de-korte.org
Tue Jul 6 19:53:19 UTC 2010

Citeren Farkas Levente <lfarkas op lfarkas.org>:

>>> I use my ups with usb -> serial converter.
>> Which one?
> anyone. since the usb-serial converters use in this way. and with this
> patch both the serial and the usb-serial connection works.

Still we want to know which USB to serial converter was used. We  
regularly get questions which USB to serial converter to use. I know  
that *some* will not work with *some* drivers (usually because the  
added latency is more than the driver author anticipated years ago).  
However, if we know which ones *do* work with a certain driver, that's  
useful information.


> in it's present state the liebert ups has an internal settings. and it's
> by default (ie. if nut's liebert-esp2 driver do not set it otherwise) if
> the ups plugged off the input then it _immediately_ send a "LOW BATTERY

How does one change this setting? So far, we don't have instcmd's for  
this driver, simply because we don't know what to tell the UPS to  
change settings. But if you know how to change settings on the UPS,  
I'm all ears.

> in response to this nut shutdown the host computer and after 120
> second turn off the liebert ups itself.

Is this a fixed time interval after power failure, or is this a  
triggered by the UPS detecting that the load has switched off (aka  
battery saving mode)?

> so in the present state if nut with liebert-esp2 running on any computer
> with liebert ups even if the battery if fully charged the host will
> shutdown immediately.

Not necessarily. You always have the option of increasing FINALDELAY a  
bit. Of course the system *will* go down on every power failure, but  
at least it will give you a little more runtime.

> for me it means currently nut's liebert-esp2 worse then liebert without nut.

Until you're hit by a power failure when you're not around to shutdown  
your system(s) in time. In my opinion, a system that solely relies on  
a UPS to provide power in case the mains fails (ie, without a  
generator that kicks in after a few seconds) but doesn't monitor it,  
is only marginally better than not having a UPS at all. It will give  
people a false sense of security.

Best regards, Arjen
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