[Nut-upsdev] [nut-commits] svn commit r2669 - in branches/AsciiDoc: . m4

Arnaud Quette aquette.dev at gmail.com
Fri Nov 5 09:27:07 UTC 2010

2010/11/5 Arjen de Korte

> Citeren Arjen de Korte
>  Most likely we'll need to strip the initial part of the return from the
>> 'a2x 8.6.1' version string, since that will probably be treated as ''
>> now (it works when I lower the requirement to 1.0.0). I'll see what I can
>> do...
> Well, this indeed seems to be the problem looking at what happened after
> committing r2673. I've slightly improved this patch by stripping everything
> up to (and including) the last space in the version string. The
> documentation seems to build nicely now. The asciidoc (and related) tools on
> my system are too old and as a consequence, it doesn't build.

we could consider a slightly  more complex approach where older asciidoc
detection would only enable the single page html, and pdf version (if
dblatex is also present). more recent version (once more, the not yet
released 8.6.3) are only needed to build a proper chunked HTML... but I'm
still unsure if it's worth.
A transitional solution, to avoid the missing build deps, would be to also
distribute asciidoc outputs, part of the nut tarball, or probably more as
standalone archives.

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