[Nut-upsdev] Changes to upscli_connect (and general discovery)

Arjen de Korte nut+devel at de-korte.org
Wed Jun 29 20:13:23 UTC 2011

Citeren Arnaud Quette <aquette.dev op gmail.com>:

>> I guess I see the scanning code as a stopgap way to contact "legacy"
>> servers (or what would be legacy after some discovery protocol like mDNS is
>> set up), and either timeouts or non-blocking is just a kludge to make that
>> work a little better. And isn't opening a non-blocking socket just a way to
>> split socket connection and protocol initialization?
> indeed.

This isn't needed. Probing ranges of hosts listening on an arbitrary  
port doesn't require the upsclient library. For the hits, connect  
through the usual upscli_connect method, which by then you know will  
not block.

> as for the compat, IIRC Fred proposed a a new _tryconnect() method, upon
> which the standard _connect() would be mapped, with no behavior change.

It is still unclear to me what we're trying to accomplish here, since  
auto-configuration is never going to work in environments where it is  
most needed (multi-UPS).

Best regards, Arjen
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