[Nut-upsdev] 1) A memory leak in drivers/rhino.c 2) Wunused-but-set-variable.patch

Regid Ichira regid23 at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 13 22:11:44 UTC 2011

  I would like to have your comments regarding:

    1) drivers/rhino.c
  The following patch addresses some problems in drivers/rhino.c.  Or
  that is what I think.  I don't use this hardware.  The patch:
  1. Eliminates some usefulness definitions.
  2. It removes code that evaluate the time.  I can't see how the code
     actually does useful work.
  3. The evaluation time code allocates memory.  I don't see how that
     memory is freed.

Index: b/drivers/rhino.c
--- a/drivers/rhino.c   2011-10-12 03:16:00.000000000 +0300
+++ b/drivers/rhino.c   2011-10-12 12:24:46.000000000 +0300
@@ -85,12 +85,6 @@ static double  const FA = -2;         /*
 static double  const ConstInt = 250;  /* Consumo interno sem o carregador */
 static double  const Vin = 220;       /* Tensão de entrada */

-static int Day, Month, Year;
-static int dian=0, mesn=0, anon=0, weekn=0;
-static int ihour,imin, isec;
-/* unsigned char DaysOnWeek; */
-/* char seman[4]; */
 /* int FExpansaoBateria; */
 /* internal variables */
 /* package handshake variables */
@@ -142,19 +136,9 @@ static unsigned char RecPack[37];
 #define M_UNKN     "Modêlo rhino desconhecido\n"
 #define NO_RHINO   "Rhino não detectado! abortando ...\n"
-#define UPS_DATE   "Data no UPS %4d/%02d/%02d\n"
-#define SYS_DATE   "Data do Sistema %4d/%02d/%02d dia da semana %s\n"
-#define ERR_PACK   "Pacote errado\n"
-#define NO_EVENT   "Não há eventos\n"
-#define UPS_TIME   "Hora interna UPS %0d:%02d:%02d\n"
 #define M_UNKN     "Unknown rhino model\n"
 #define NO_RHINO   "Rhino not detected! aborting ...\n"
-#define UPS_DATE   "UPS Date %4d/%02d/%02d\n"
-#define SYS_DATE   "System Date %4d/%02d/%02d day of week %s\n"
-#define ERR_PACK   "Wrong package\n"
-#define NO_EVENT   "No events\n"
-#define UPS_TIME   "UPS internal Time %0d:%02d:%02d\n"

 static int
@@ -204,14 +188,14 @@ ScanReceivePack( void )

   /* model independent data */

-  Year = RecPack[31] + ( RecPack[32] * 100 );
-  Month = RecPack[30];
-  Day = RecPack[29];
+  /* Year = RecPack[31] + ( RecPack[32] * 100 ); */
+  /* Month = RecPack[30]; */
+  /* Day = RecPack[29]; */

   /* UPS internal time */
-  ihour = RecPack[26];
-  imin  = RecPack[27];
-  isec  = RecPack[28];
+  /* ihour = RecPack[26]; */
+  /* imin  = RecPack[27]; */
+  /* isec  = RecPack[28]; */

   /* Flag1 */
   /* SobreTemp        = ( ( 0x01 & RecPack[33]) = 0x01 ); */
@@ -546,18 +530,8 @@ static void getbaseinfo(void)
        unsigned char  temp[256];
        unsigned char Pacote[37];
        int  tam, i, j=0;
-       time_t *tmt;
-       struct tm *now;
        const char *Model;

-       tmt  = ( time_t * ) malloc( sizeof( time_t ) );
-       time( tmt );
-       now = localtime( tmt );
-       dian = now->tm_mday;
-       mesn = now->tm_mon+1;
-       anon = now->tm_year+1900;
-        weekn = now->tm_wday;
        /* trying detect rhino model */
        while ( ( !detected ) && ( j < 10 ) )
@@ -644,14 +618,6 @@ static void getupdateinfo(void)
        unsigned char  temp[256];
        int tam;

-        /* time update */
-        time_t *tmt;
-        struct tm *now;
-        tmt  = ( time_t * ) malloc( sizeof( time_t ) );
-        time( tmt );
-        now = localtime( tmt );
-        /* int hours, mins;  hours = now->tm_hour;  mins = now->tm_min; */
        temp[0] = 0; /* flush temp buffer */
        tam = ser_get_buf_len(upsfd, temp, pacsize, 3, 0);

    2) nut-upsdev/2011-October/005608.html
  The patch from above might not apply cleanly.  The reason is that I
  first applied the patch from nut-upsdev/2011-October/005608.html.
  That patch deals with another issue I see in the rhino.c driver, as
  well as other files.  According to the changelog, the part of it
  concerns drivers/bestfcom.c was applied on 2011-07-13 to [r3132].  Yet
  it concerns more files.  Although it were not applied to the other
  files, no one express any opinion why it should not get applied.

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