[Nut-upsdev] Meaning of Battery Resting/PW-MIBs

Gernot Zander debian at scorpio.in-berlin.de
Mon Aug 11 22:37:12 UTC 2014


just testing with a HP R1500 XR (answers as Powerware) with SNMP/Serial
Port Card using SNMP I found:
1st: The batt status goes away after some time.
Isn't visible in a snmpwalk anymore, seems to be a bug in the card.
2nd: The ups turns into "resting" 48h after battery is full. It turns
off the fan, the batt voltage lowers a little, it seems, avoiding
permanent charging to increase life time.
3rd: Because the fan is turned off, the ambient temperature rises to 61
°C an decreases lifetime:-)

I had to do some changes in the mibs to get all relevant data:
        { "input.voltage", 0, 1.0, PW_OID_IN_VOLTAGE ".1", "",
                SU_INPUT_1, NULL },
        { "input.current", 0, 0.1, PW_OID_IN_CURRENT ".1", "",
                SU_INPUT_1, NULL },
Must get ".1" there, as it is in output.voltage/current. (The input
current isn't returned, but I think it should be right with .1 there...)

TestBattery misses the .0 at the end:
#define PW_OID_BATTEST_START    ""
And by the way, the RFC1628-way of initiating tests works (by hand using
snmpget [SpinLock]/snmpset) with this ups, too.

And I took the ups status from ietf:
                SU_STATUS_PWR, &ietf_pwr_info[0] },
because isn't answerd by the card.


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