[Nut-upsdev] [HCL] NHS Expert C Online 6000 supported by gamatronic

Thiago Wiezbicki thiagowzb at gmail.com
Sat Nov 22 10:16:26 UTC 2014

*Q:   Quick question: does "battery.runtime" update when the device is on
battery, or is this field always zero?*

*A:  Yes, the UPS battery time starts counting when the device starts on

Q: "battery.runtime.low" should be the number of seconds remaining before
switching to "LB" status. This seems large, even for a 6000 VA UPS. Is this
A: I can explain to you this large number. This number is large because UPS
isn't on battery mode, then the UPS superestimate the number because it's
the maximum value possible. When the UPS switch to battery mode, this value
will be consistent.

Q: 210.5 V seems reasonable for the specifications. Is there a way in the
SEC protocol to report "battery.voltage.nominal"?
A:  This UPS have 16 x 12 V serie batteries. The SEC protocol doesn't
specify any nominal voltage for battery, only for inputs, outputs and

Q: For the HCL, should we list this as a serial UPS, or is it USB that is
auto-detected by the Linux kernel as a USB-to-serial converter?
A: Our UPS have one serial RS-232 (DB-9) connector and a USB connector. For
serial, this device use /dev/ttySx (Linux) or COMx (Windows) device name
and don't need any driver. For USB , our device use a CDC usb class USB
(it's a serializable USB, liking a USB-to-serial converter), for Linux
kernel >= 2.6 it's auto detected, for Windows you need to Install a driver
equal usb-to-serial converter with these parameters :   VID = 0x925   and
PID = 0x1241.

Q: Does "ups.id" usually report a unique ID, or did you remove it? (No
worries if you did; we will just mark it as such in the DDL).
A: I removed it.

Q:  Just to confirm, the shutdown occurred via upsmon recognizing "OB LB"
status on the UPS?
A: Yes, the shutdown occours when        ups.status  it's  equal  OB LB

Below , it's a second upsc command   using our UPS on battery and with
device ID, battery time, battery low time that UPS calcs correctly. Let me
remember now, We have the same UPS in 6, 8, 10 and 12 kVA  version, and
it's names are : Expert C Online 6000 , 8000 , 10000
<callto:6000%20,%208000%20,%2010000> and 12000  ( or Expert G III   how You
can see  in upsc output).  respectively.

battery.charge: 087
battery.current: 0.0
battery.date: 11172014
battery.runtime: 00687
battery.runtime.low: 3780
battery.temperature: 27
battery.voltage: 198.9
device.mfr: NHS Sistemas de Energia
device.model: EXPERT GIII  8kVA
device.type: ups
driver.name: gamatronic
driver.parameter.pollinterval: 20
driver.parameter.port: /dev/ttyS0
driver.version: 2.6.3
driver.version.internal: 0.02
input.frequency: 0.0
input.transfer.high: 265
input.transfer.low: 165
input.voltage: 0.0
input.voltage.nominal: 220
output.current: 0.0
output.frequency: 60.0
output.voltage: 120.9
ups.alarm: Input Bad
ups.firmware: EXOL(02).21
ups.id: 92C08623BD6513AF
ups.load: 000
ups.mfr: NHS Sistemas de Energia
ups.model: EXPERT GIII  8kVA
ups.power.nominal: 08000
ups.status: ALARM OB

Best Regards,

Thiago Wiezbicki
NHS Sistemas Eletrônicos
Av. Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira, 5270
Cidade Industrial, Curitiba - PR - Brasil
Fone/Fax: +55 41 2141 9262 <callto:41%202141%209262>

2014-11-17 11:55 GMT-02:00 Charles Lepple <clepple at gmail.com>:

> On Nov 12, 2014, at 5:46 AM, Thiago Wiezbicki <thiagowzb at gmail.com> wrote:
> Device Manufacturer: NHS
> Device Name: Expert C Online 6000
> upsc output:
> battery.charge: 100
> battery.current: 0.6
> battery.date: 01012014
> battery.runtime: 00000
> Quick question: does "battery.runtime" update when the device is on
> battery, or is this field always zero?
> battery.runtime.low: 59940
> "battery.runtime.low" should be the number of seconds remaining before
> switching to "LB" status. This seems large, even for a 6000 VA UPS. Is this
> configurable?
> battery.temperature: 29
> battery.voltage: 210.5
> 210.5 V seems reasonable for the specifications. Is there a way in the SEC
> protocol to report "battery.voltage.nominal"?
> device.mfr: NHS Sistemas de Energia
> device.model: EXPERT GIII  8kVA
> device.type: ups
> driver.name: gamatronic
> driver.parameter.pollinterval: 20
> driver.parameter.port: /dev/ttyACM0
> For the HCL, should we list this as a serial UPS, or is it USB that is
> auto-detected by the Linux kernel as a USB-to-serial converter?
> If it is the latter, what are the USB VendorID and ProductID? You can send
> the output of "lsusb -v" if you prefer. (This will help others with
> non-Linux systems.)
> driver.version: 2.6.3
> driver.version.internal: 0.02
> input.frequency: 60.1
> input.transfer.high: 265
> input.transfer.low: 165
> input.voltage: 217.0
> input.voltage.nominal: 220
> output.current: 0.0
> output.frequency: 60.1
> output.voltage: 120.8
> ups.firmware: EXOL(02).21
> ups.id: ----------------
> Does "ups.id" usually report a unique ID, or did you remove it? (No
> worries if you did; we will just mark it as such in the DDL).
> ups.load: 000
> ups.mfr: NHS Sistemas de Energia
> ups.model: EXPERT GIII  8kVA
> ups.power.nominal: 08000
> ups.status: OL
> I tested shutdown sequence when battery is low and computer turned off. After, the UPS shuts down to and turn on when the energy came back. All it looks ok.
> Just to confirm, the shutdown occurred via upsmon recognizing "OB LB"
> status on the UPS?
> Link to the description:  http://www.nhs.com.br/produtos_interna/id/TWpFeQ==
> We're brazilian manufacturer of this device and used the SEC 2400 protocol with full support. All it's working ok with gamatronic driver.
> Thanks for the information! We appreciate vendor support for testing.
> --
> Charles Lepple
> clepple at gmail

Thiago Wiezbicki
thiagowzb at gmail.com
+55 41 9653 5247
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