[Nut-upsdev] Work around for power recycling after shutdown.return - TSSHARA UPS - nutdrv_qx driver - megatec protocol

Daniele Pezzini hyouko at gmail.com
Fri Mar 2 04:34:16 UTC 2018

2018-02-28 21:11 GMT+01:00 Jairo Rotava <jairo.rotava at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I think that on this file nutdrv_qx_megatec.c the definition for
> shutdown.stayoff may be wrong. In the file the definition is "S%sR0000\r"m
> while on the megatec protocol description (
> http://networkupstools.org/protocols/megatec.html) the command is just
> "S%s\r".

hmm.. no.
In plain megatec protocol there's no such a thing as 'shutdown and
stay off' -- the closest thing you can do is call 'SnRm' with an
incredibly high value for the time to wait before turning on the
device (i.e. 'SnR9999', using the allowed maximum), while the 'Sn'
command is meant to tell the device to immediately turn on the load
when power returns.
Only some devices support the non-standard 'SnR0000' command and hold
off the load indefinitely (and it's also stated in nutdrv_qx's
manpage, 'Known problems' section).

> When I changed it my system was abe to at least stay off, and stopped making
> an instant power recycling.

Try the following things and let's see what happens:
- 'offdelay=30', 'ondelay=0' (the driver will send 'S.5' to the device),
- 'offdelay=120', 'ondelay=0' (the driver will send 'S02' to the device),
- 'offdelay=30', 'ondelay=180' (the driver will send 'S.5R0003' to the device),
- 'offdelay=120', 'ondelay=180' (the driver will send 'S02R0003' to the device),
- 'offdelay=30', 'stayoff' flag (the driver will send 'S.5R0000' to the device),
- 'offdelay=120', 'stayoff' flag (the driver will send 'S02R0000' to
the device).

> Jairo

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