[Nut-upsdev] <Cyber Energy> <usbhid-ups/cps-hid.c>-Add HID Usage (Temperature)

Jim Klimov jimklimov+nut at gmail.com
Wed Dec 4 16:03:37 GMT 2024

Looks good.

Posted the PR as https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/pull/2711, code
base to test would be available at
https://github.com/jimklimov/nut/tree/cps-hid-temp currently or as part of
https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/tree/master after the pull request
passes our CI and gets merged.

Jim Klimov

On Wed, Dec 4, 2024 at 9:11 AM Yvonne.Chen <Yvonne.Chen at cyberenergy.com>

> Hi NUT:
> We propose adding HID usage for "Temperature" to the NUT source code file
> cps-hid.c (driver: USBHID-UPS(8)
> <https://networkupstools.org/docs/man/usbhid-ups.html>) so that UPS
> temperature information can be displayed in the UPS status list. After
> conducting internal tests, we confirmed that inserting the following code:
> { "ups.temperature", 0, 0, "UPS.PowerSummary.Temperature", NULL, "%s", 0,
> kelvin_celsius_conversion },
> after line 236 allows UPS temperature data to be displayed in the status
> list.
> In NUT source code file cps-hid.c , the line 236 is
> { "ups.firmware", 0, 0, "UPS.PowerSummary.CPSFirmwareVersion", NULL, "%s",
> HU_FLAG_STATIC, stringid_conversion },
> Please add the following code after line 236 for our new HID usage
> (Temperature).
> { "ups.temperature", 0, 0, "UPS.PowerSummary.Temperature", NULL, "%s", 0,
> kelvin_celsius_conversion },
> Once you have confirmed the request to add the source code, please provide
> a test version of the NUT software with the added HID usage (Temperature)
> code for our final testing and verification. Please contact me if you have
> any questions regarding this request. Thank you very much!
> Best regards
> Yvonne Chen
> Cyber Energy Co., Ltd.
> Tel: +886-2-8792-9628 #605
> Fax: +886-2-8792-9626
> Email: Yvonne.Chen at cyberenergy.com
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