[Nut-upsdev] Question about "HB" flag and a "battery.charge.high" name
Jim Klimov
jimklimov+nut at gmail.com
Wed Dec 18 09:20:10 GMT 2024
Kicking the old tyre a bit once more:
In my recent reading I saw "float charge", "float mode", "float voltage"
etc. Maybe that is what I meant in the earlier discussion - similar
concept, similar word.
In case of PbAc per https://chargetek.com/basic-information.html : "Float
mode is where the voltage on the battery is maintained at approximately
2.25 volts per cell, or 13.5 volts for a 12V battery. This voltage will
maintain the full charge condition in the battery without boiling our
electrolyte or overcharging the battery."
Likewise, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Float_voltage and
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trickle_charging articles stress that "A
battery under continuous float voltage charging is said to be float-charging
which is a wee bit different from what I saw in discussions about devices
that "normally only charge up to a 100% level and then let their battery
seep away until it hits a threshold (90-95%) so it is boosted back to 100%
Also, for monitoring generally, there is a case of devices (especially
lithium-based batteries, as I hear) that are intentionally charged to some
90-95% and avoid going to 100% due to whatever FUD or true dangers or
wear-out. Windows power manager has settings/modes for that on laptops.
So... I think there is a common ground of possibly different concepts
here, and we somehow want to handle it, and it needs a name. So far the
term used in code and variables ended up being "hover", as in e.g.
`onlinedischarge_log_throttle_hovercharge` setting added to `usbhid-ups`.
Is there a better (industry-standard) name that does reflect such
behaviors, notably - those that we see with NUT as "DISCHRG that we should
not worry about (until some point)"?
Is "float" or "trickle" it? It's never too late to deprecate one alias in
favor of another, if need be...
On Sun, May 19, 2024 at 9:24 PM Greg Troxel <gdt at lexort.com> wrote:
> Jim Klimov <jimklimov+nut at gmail.com> writes:
> >> "battery voltage is unreasonably high" is a reasonable concept. <...> I
> >> would not call it HB, though because that makes it sound parallel to LB,
> >> which is about believed remaining capacity, not detection of
> overcharging
> >> failure.
> >
> > Well, given that a "battery.charge.high" is not a name yet defined or
> used,
> > hands are untied - and it does seem like a sufficiently high-level
> concept
> > to me even if no devices would emit that information and only some users
> > set it for synthetic logic. Namely, I'm thinking about hover-charging
> which
> > some devices do - as noted earlier. This may become more popular with
> LiIon
> > batteries hitting the UPS market (laptops and phones already do often
> > hover).
> I would suggest deferring until there is a need and an articulated use.
> Hover charging is a new word for me, but I understand it to mean
> declining to charge a battery which is mostly charged.
> Part of the difficulty is this is about "state of charge" which has a
> messy relationship to "battery voltage".
> > Currently the concept in NUT was somewhat addressed by a
> > `onlinedischarge_log_throttle_hovercharge` setting introduced (in
> > https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/pull/2216 and being revised now
> in
> > https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/pull/2428) with the intention to
> > hush log messages to the tune of "we are both online and discharging,
> what
> > is happening?"
> well, if that's how it is, I don't think it should be suppressed. I
> find it odd though, to be discharging, vs simply saying "battery at 93%
> - good enough - don't fully charge it -- because it's better long term
> to be nice to it compared to the value of the 7% if the power fails in
> an hour". But maybe I'm confused.
> > Telling users to configure something like a "default.battery.charge.high"
> > instead of that contrived name seems better streamlined and can
> eventually
> > make way into other drivers (or `main.c` core) where applicable.
> Configuring what, for what purpose? If this is about setting charge
> thresholds, we should have a few models' interface on the table to see
> what's common.
> > It seems that we still do not fully know what a "HB High Battery" NUT
> flag
> > can mean physically, and if the few existing drivers that use it do so
> > consistently with *some* single definition; I looked at precedents of
> `git
> > grep -w HB` in the codebase, there are a few `setval()` hits, namely:
> >
> > * adelsystem_cbi.c: "BVAL_HIALRM_I",
> > * al175.c: "BATTERY VOLTAGE STATUS",
> > * asem.c: "charge_percentage >= hb_threshold (default 75)",
> > * generic_modbus.c: "usually ... charging state > 85%",
> > * pijuice.c: "battery_charge_level > HIGH_BATTERY_THRESHOLD (macro 75)"
> > * similarly in hwmon_ina219.c added by PR
> > https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/pull/2430 that started this
> > discussion
> >
> > The first one seems to be about an alarm, the second - not sure, and the
> > rest are about passing a threshold with no apparent implications of what
> > that means and why we care. MAYBE there are further NUT clients that
> would
> > react to the flag somehow, but they are not in the core codebase.
> And that is two different things. There is "battery adequately
> charged", where that might mean 75% or 85%. there is an alarm condition
> of excess voltage which indicates a charging circuit failure. I would
> not in English call a battery which is "mostly charged" as "high".
> > So maybe it is better to leave "HB" be, and define another `ups.status`
> > flag - e.g. for this particular situation a new "HOVER" state makes sense
> > and is unambiguous, and easier to set/check in driver code too. If we
> find
> > ways how devices report the state directly or just as the numeric
> threshold
> > (e.g. some new USB HID or SNMP OID endpoint(s)) - pass the direct flag
> > value through if available; otherwise synthesize it if the device or user
> > provided a setting and it is under 100% -- either way, we
> > `getval(somename)` and go from there if not NULL.
> I would view HB as a bug to be fixed unless we can find that a lot of
> devices define that (the devices, not our drivers!).
> As for HOVER, not sure what that means either. There's a binary flag
> "this device is known to not charge fully, and it is configured to do
> so". After that, there is just
> LOW BATTERY: it's so low that the UPS will not power a load for very
> long (longstanding)
> FULL BATTERY: the battery is either fully charged, in all senses, or
> is charged enough that the hover rules say don't charge any more.
> and perhap FULL is split into FULL and MOSTLYFULL.
> > For that matter, a name like `battery.charge.hover` might also be "less
> > ambiguous" than `battery.charge.high` but I'm not sure if some better
> > wording than just `...hover` is possible (suggestions welcome):
> I still find hover unclear. We have to start with an unambiguous
> description of the semantics, and not hope that people will infer the
> same semantics from a word.
> > * not too long and cumbersome
> > * reflect that it is a lower limit/threshold/watermark of the battery
> > charge level, which the UPS would deflate to before it begins charging
> > again to reach some high watermark (maybe not 100% - and this is in fact
> > what `battery.charge.high` might mean more reasonably)
> Is that what things really do? I have seen devices simply decline to
> charge above about 90%, but not discharge and recharge.
> I typed in hover charging to DDG and got lots of information about how
> to charge my hoverboard. Then I got results about vacuums, and about EV
> charging in the Birmingham-Hoover metro area.
> So I submit that "hover charging" is not a thing worthy of us using the
> name.
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