[Nut-upsdev] Getting distcheck-light error on SSL

Jim Klimov jimklimov+nut at gmail.com
Tue Oct 1 08:28:24 BST 2024


  First of all, great to hear you plan to "do some driver work", that's
always welcome :)

  As for "neither ... found", you are probably missing development library
packages with headers and pkg-config info, e.g. `libssl-dev libnss3-dev`
(Debian-ish) or `openssl-devel nss-devel` (RedHat-ish).

page (could also help in your quest, if your starting point were packaged
NUT and so user accounts, some configs and permissions, etc. are already in
place) says,

> The
document (also as a rendered page on NUT website
details tools and dependencies that were added on NUT CI build
environments, which now cover many operating systems. This should provide a
decent starting point for the build on yours (PRs to update the document
are welcome!)

  That said, `make distcheck-light` aims to pass on systems without
everything plus a kitchen sink installed (primarily without documentation
tools though - they have a huge footprint, carrying in X11 and TeX to
render PDF), so maybe its definition in `/Makefile.am` misses a
`--with-ssl=auto` bit. Gotta revise that (or can be monkey-patched locally
in your system at least).

Hope this helps,
Jim Klimov

On Tue, Oct 1, 2024 at 9:05 AM William R. Elliot <bill at wreassoc.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am setting up a linux VM to do some driver work in NUT. After
> running autogen.sh and configure successfully (I think) but before
> making any changes I wanted to make sure I could run 'make
> distcheck-light' and get a successful result.
> Unfortunately, the make stops with an error because "Neither Mozilla
> NSS nor OpenSSL was found...". What is needed to get past this error?
> Is there a way to disable the SSL check when running make? Am I
> missing a package?
> Thank you,
> Bill
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