[Nut-upsuser] Re: Setting variables via config file

Thomas Jarosch thomas.jarosch at intra2net.com
Fri Jul 29 08:23:05 UTC 2005

Hello Arnaud,

On Tuesday 26 July 2005 16:58, arnaud.quette at mgeups.com wrote:
> > Is there a way to set the "battery.charge.restart" variable
> > via the configuration file or is "upsrw" the only way?
> >
> > If it's possible via the configure file,
> > how is the file supposed to look?
> sadly, there is not yet a way to do it via config
> (ups.conf would be the file). Currently, the only
> way is via upsrw. Generally, that kind of data are
> stored on the UPS when set, but if it isn't the case,
> the settings is lost when nut stops.

Thanks for your reply. Until this is resolved in a generic manner,
I'll just add upsrw to my initscript ;-)

Best regards,
Thomas Jarosch

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