[Nut-upsuser] Small question on the snmp-ups module

Arnaud Quette aquette.dev at gmail.com
Fri Oct 7 10:13:37 UTC 2005

Hi Alessandro,

2005/10/6, Alessandro Ipe <aipe at belgacom.net>:
> Hi,
> Our research group is planning to buy an MGE Pulsar Evolution 3000 to
> protect
> our operational computers against power failures with an SNMP network
> management card. We would like to connect the UPS only through its network
> card (and not via USB or serial cable to another computer) and install the
> NUT software (client+server) on each machine to catch the shutdown SNMP
> signal from the UPS when its battery gets exhausted (so each computer does
> its shutdow itself).
> Unfortunately, I was not able to find out in the documentation of the NUT
> project if such setup is supported by the snmp-ups module. So will it work
> ? <http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/nut-upsuser>

Yes, it will work. You'll find below some details about the various
solutions, 2 with NUT and 2 with the Official MGE offering to address your

1) nut with snmp-ups on all box

As you stated above. As snmp-ups doesn't support the manager mode
(contrarily MGE legacy UM-Client), which means registering on the card,
you'll have to test if the default parameters give you enough time to
shutdown all machines when the LowBattery flag is set. The default poweroff
timer is IIRC 120 seconds as from the LowBattery reached.

If this don't give you enough time, you can:
- change the value on the card,
- or use nut upssched feature.

2) A variant of the above

Only one machine use snmp-ups, and act as a master with the others, serving
information to these. So others will only need upsmon.

3) The MGE NSM - Network Shutdown Module

This one is available for Linux, and use its own XML protocol.
You can deploy one per machine.
Note that this offering is under rewritte to remove the JVM pre requisite,
and add our new installer.

Download link:

4) The legacy MGE SP/Wan UM-Client

This is our old SNMP offering.
Download link:

I hope the above information will help you.

Arnaud Quette
Linux / Unix Expert - MGE UPS SYSTEMS - R&D Dpt
Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader - http://www.networkupstools.org/
Debian Developer -
OpenSource Developer - http://arnaud.quette.free.fr/
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