[Nut-upsuser] TrippLite/Compiling on FreeBSD

Charles Sprickman spork at bway.net
Mon Sep 26 23:09:39 UTC 2005

On Mon, 26 Sep 2005, Charles Lepple wrote:

> Actually, I didn't merge that completely into the development tree.
> Try the "Tripp_Lite_Omni" branch.

Great, that did the trick.  It compiled without any errors.  No dice, but 
it's progress:

root at miko[/usr/local/src/nut/drivers]# ./tripplite_usb -DDDDD /dev/uhid0
Network UPS Tools - Tripp Lite OMNIVS and SMARTPRO driver 0.5 (2.1.0)
Warning: This is an experimental driver.
Some features may not function correctly.

debug level is '5'
found 0 (-1)
No Tripp Lite USB HID UPS found

So I'm curious about a few things...  I'm not at all familiar with libusb. 
I do have 0.1.10a installed, which seems to be the latest.  Your earlier 
post mentioned something about making libusb aware of the TrippLite.  If 
I'm running the current version, should that be an issue?



> --
> - Charles Lepple

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