[Nut-upsuser] Powerware 9120 serial connection via USB/serial dongle

Ken Yee kenkyee at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 10 14:18:32 UTC 2006

--- Kjell Claesson <kjell.claesson at telia.com> wrote:
> The 9120 is talking bcmxcp. So you should run the
> bcmxcp driver.

Forgot to do a reply-all when I replied to Krell:

Yes, this does work.  I was confused by the
compatibility page that lists both a powerware 9120 
and PW9120.  The 9120 uses the upscode2 driver and the
PW9120 uses the bcmxcp driver.

Why is "request only mode" missing from the bcmxcp_usb
driver?  And what does it do?  No luck finding this
info via Google or the docs..

Thanks again, Kjell :-)


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