[Nut-upsuser] Ablerex MARS

lonely wolf wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro
Sat Apr 22 02:04:12 UTC 2006

On 04/22/2006 04:25 AM, Carlos Rodrigues wrote:

>As for the battery, 96V means 8x12V batteries, which isn't supported
>by the driver yet (the charge, because the 2.3V voltage is probably
>what the UPS is reporting), but can be, with a little help from you,
>if you are so inclined... :)
Sure, I'll be glad to help.

>First, when/if you try megatec, run it like so "megatec -DDD -a
>ablerex", to show debugging info. Then send the output to me.
Here is a first try of megatec, no debugging enabled:
[root at wolfy ups]# upsc ablerex at localhost
battery.charge: 0.0
battery.voltage: 2.3
battery.voltage.nominal: 96.0
driver.name: megatec
driver.parameter.port: /dev/ttyS0
driver.version: 2.1.0
driver.version.internal: 1.4
input.frequency: 50.0
input.voltage: 239.5
input.voltage.fault: 190.0
input.voltage.maximum: 239.5
input.voltage.minimum: 239.5
output.voltage: 220.0
output.voltage.nominal: 220.0
ups.delay.shutdown: 2
ups.delay.start: 3
ups.load: 7.0
ups.mfr: Ablerex
ups.model: MS3000RT MS02035C
ups.serial: unknown
ups.status: OL
ups.temperature: 36.5

>After this, I will need to know the voltage at which the battery is at
>100%, and the voltage at which it goes into low-battery (altough the
>low voltage for the batteries seems to tell me that it won't be that
>simple, on my side at least).
good questions. if I only knew the answers... Any means I can find out, 
without breaking the seals? Anyway I'll try Monday to fiddle with the 
screws :)

I have uploaded at http://wdl.lug.ro/ablerex/upsilon.txt a snapshot of 
the output of the software bundled with the unit. At 
http://wdl.lug.ro/ablerex/megatec.debug you can find the output of 
"megatec -DDD -a ablerex". I have also uploaded the src.rpm that I have 
packaged, in case someone else wishes to play with it (BTW, there is a 
small error in the sources: in  man/Makefile.in, gamatronic is not copied)

Let me know what else can I do to help you, beside measuring those voltages.


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