[Nut-upsuser] Ablerex MARS

Carlos Rodrigues carlos.efr at mail.telepac.pt
Sat Apr 22 13:43:48 UTC 2006

If you use "-a", you are using the configuration that is expressed on
the configuration files. If you just use the device directly, you are
using the defaults. That's why upsd can't connect to the driver (it is
using a different configuration).

On 4/22/06, lonely wolf <wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro> wrote:
> PS: ref the devel version
> - if I use "megatec /dev/ttyS0", it starts OK, but upsd cannot connect
> to it
> - if I use megatec -a ablerex, everything is OK:
> Apr 22 05:40:36 wolfy megatec[30752]: Startup successful
> Apr 22 05:40:37 wolfy upsd[30753]: Connected to UPS [ablerex]: ablerex
> Apr 22 05:40:38 wolfy upsd[30754]: Startup successful
>  Is this normal? I have made no change to the configuration files
> (except for replacing the model name), and now the behavior is different...
> ups.conf contains:
> [ablerex]
>         driver = megatec
>         port = /dev/ttyS0
>         desc = "Web server"

Carlos Rodrigues

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