[Nut-upsuser] Networked APC

Matthew Isleb misleb at pnca.edu
Tue Aug 1 20:23:47 UTC 2006

On Aug 1, 2006, at 12:10 PM, Arnaud Quette wrote:

>> Eh? Why would I want to command the *UPS* to power down? The UPS will
>> power down if and when the battery goes dead.
>> Or did I misunderstand that? I want all my servers to power down
>> using the UPS itself as the "master" instead of picking a server as a
>> master.
> that requires snmp-ups to register in the agent.
> and I've never done this part (I've originaly developed it with MGE
> sponsorship, but never got time nor motivation to finish this...)
> And without this feature, there are chance that the UPS ignores the
> shutoff (UPS shutdown) procedure... snmp-ups so currently act as an
> NMS (network management system, like HPOV, Unicenter TNG, ...), and
> not in manager mode!

Sorry, I'm not familiar with the structure of NUT yet. What does this  
mean? What exactly can snmp-ups do for me?


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