[Nut-upsuser] Master privileges unavailable on UPS, no access :(

Jonathan Dion dion.jonathan at gmail.com
Wed Aug 16 14:35:45 UTC 2006

Hi Martin,

please keep the discusion on the mailing list, it can be helpfull/of
interrest for other persons ^_^
So I took the fredom to past here you previous mail :

-- Begining the mail of Martin

Thank you very much indeed, this worked. But in syslog there are no
messages like:
"May 29 01:11:27 mybox upsmon[102]: Startup successful
May 29 01:11:28 mybox upsd[100]: Client monuser at
logged into UPS [myupsname]
which the install file says thre should be. How can I be sure whether
the configuration is correct? What shall I do so that after the UPS is
disconnected from the mains, the command "shutdown -h now" or "telinit
0" is send to the computer?
I have already checked that when the ups is connected to the main, the
command "upsc Inform at localhost ups.status" gives "OL", and when it is
disconnected from the mains, the same command gives "OB BOOST".

SHUTDOWNCMD "/sbin/shutdown -h now"
POWERDOWNFLAG /etc/killpower
NOTIFYMSG ONLINE "UPS %s is getting line power"
NOTIFYMSG ONBATT "Someone pulled the plug on %s"

What shall I do so that when I disconnect the UPS from the mains, I
get the notify messages and the shutdown command is executed? I
experimented with the current configuration, disconnecting the UPS
from the mains, but I neither got any messages, nor the PC shutdown. I
waited for about a minute and a half.

-- End of the mail of Martin

Did you started upsmon with a debug level ? If so, it don't become a
daemon and don't write "Startup succesfull" in syslog.

For mybox upsd[100]: Client monuser at logged into UPS
[myupsname], I saw the function that print this message, but I didn't
find any place where she is called.
I'm quite new in the NUT developer team, so I don't know why this
function is not used, or no longer used. Perhaps another function has
been made and is used.

So it is probably that the documentation is not up to date with the
software, or that modification of the software didn't kept this

Can someone the know upsd and upsmon functionment better than me
confirm this point ? If there was a change, shouldn't we restore this
behaviour ?

For your others problems :

Do you run upsmon as root ? To display the messages, upsmon use wall.
Depending of the user used to send it, of the configuration of your
system, it may not be displayed correctly. I remember there was
discusion about this point but don't find the link again... Here are
some others links that could interest you :


For the shutdown, upsmon normally start the shutdwon command not if
the UPS is OnBatt (OB), but when it reach critical state : OnBatt and
LowBatt at the same time. And as I hope for you your UPS can be on
battery for one minute and a half without being low battery, it is
normal your system didn't shuted down


jonathan Dion

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