Fw: [Nut-upsuser] upsmon not authenticating (I've read the FAQ)

Steve Ziuchkovski steve at ziuchkovski.com
Sun Mar 12 10:59:35 UTC 2006

Another update!

It works. The systems shuts down properly when power is lost.


"upsdrvctl shutdown" disconnects my UPS from the mains. From everything I've 
read in the documentation this should turn off the output of the UPS, not 
the input. Am I right here?

I'm still having the following problem. Any help is appreciated.

>> Also - I get the following every 4 seconds or so in my syslog:
>> ------------------------
>> Mar 11 23:17:50 localhost hidups[2968]: Unhandled event: 0x8500d1 (1)
>> Mar 11 23:17:50 localhost hidups[2968]: Unhandled event: 0x840068 (0)
>> Mar 11 23:17:50 localhost hidups[2968]: Unhandled event: 0x850043 (0)
>> Mar 11 23:17:50 localhost hidups[2968]: Unhandled event: 0x840073 (0)
>> Mar 11 23:17:50 localhost hidups[2968]: Unhandled event: 0x85004b (0)
>> Mar 11 23:17:50 localhost hidups[2968]: Unhandled event: 0x840065 (0)
>> Mar 11 23:17:50 localhost hidups[2968]: Unhandled event: 0x8500db (0)
>> Mar 11 23:17:50 localhost hidups[2968]: Ignoring x86 page event 
>> 0xff860080
>> (0)
>> Mar 11 23:17:50 localhost hidups[2968]: Unhandled event: 0x8500d1 (1)
>> Mar 11 23:17:50 localhost hidups[2968]: Unhandled event: 0x840068 (0)
>> Mar 11 23:17:50 localhost hidups[2968]: Unhandled event: 0x850043 (0)
>> Mar 11 23:17:50 localhost hidups[2968]: Unhandled event: 0x840073 (0)
>> Mar 11 23:17:50 localhost hidups[2968]: Unhandled event: 0x85004b (0)
>> Mar 11 23:17:50 localhost hidups[2968]: Unhandled event: 0x840065 (0)
>> Mar 11 23:17:50 localhost hidups[2968]: Unhandled event: 0x8500db (0)
>> Mar 11 23:17:50 localhost hidups[2968]: Ignoring x86 page event 
>> 0xff860080
>> (0)
>> Mar 11 23:17:50 localhost hidups[2968]: Unhandled event: 0x840058 (6)
>> ------------------------
>> I guess this is from USB messages that just aren't being handled due to
>> the experimental driver. How do I turn this stuff off?

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