[Nut-upsuser] USB UPS and FreeBSD

Daniel O'Connor doconnor at gsoft.com.au
Mon May 22 23:18:30 UTC 2006

On Monday 22 May 2006 23:36, Scott Tuc Ellentuch at T-B-O-H wrote:
> 	I was wondering as a fellow FreeBSD user, where
> did you do the "upsdrvctl shutdown" command?
> 	For the others, there was mention of "rc.early",
> but it seems that it is not run during shutdown.

There is /etc/rc.shutdown.

What I have is a script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d called nut.sh. It starts and 
stops the NUT daemons. If it has been asked to stop it, it checks if the 
killpower flag is present and if so, it runs upsdrvctl with the option to 
shutdown the UPS.

Make sure you have a shutdown gracedelay though - FreeBSD doesn't run any 
scripts after the disks are unmounted so you must start the UPS shutdown 
phase before the disks are unmounted, hence the need for a grace delay.

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
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