[Nut-upsuser] MGE Ellipse Premium 1200 USB cable only works if plugged after boot

Pedro Côrte-Real pedro at pedrocr.net
Thu Nov 2 19:47:46 CET 2006

On 11/2/06, Kjell Claesson <kjell.claesson at epost.tidanet.se> wrote:
> If you restart the upsdrv before you replug the ups, does it find the
> ups ?

No it still doesn't.

> The thing is that you may start the nut to early. In what runlevel do
> you start nut ?

I don't think that's it.

> Don't know if ubuntu have runlevel dependency in ther script's.
> I run Gentoo.

Right now that whole thing is being replaced by upstart although the
current version still uses the normal scripts. I don't know about the
runlevel dependency.


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