[Nut-upsuser] Multiple UPS monitoring, relaying

Czuczy Gergely czuczy at publishing.hu
Wed Apr 18 11:08:49 UTC 2007


I've got a setup with NUT, where we've got two UPSes, 
ups1 and ups2. UPS1 supports our servers, while UPS2
supports our desktop boxes. We monitor both of them
via USB on a box now called "upsmon".

The interesting point comes here. We monitor both
UPSes on the upsmon box, but if UPS2 fails, which
supports our desktop boxes, NUT shouldn't initiate
a shutdown in itself, or take any action on itself.
It just should keep on monitoring and relaying the
monitor information to the client boxes.

So, the question is, how can I tell nut-upsmon,
to not to initiate a shutdown according to UPS2,
and even, don't take UPS2 into account when checking
if a shutdown is needed, but only depend on UPS1?

I saw that it has an option where the number of required
UPSes to be online can be defined. But how can i specify
which UPSes are needed to be online, and which ones are
just being monitored(and the monitoring info relayed) on
the current box?

Your sincerely

Gergely Czuczy
Publishing Factory Ltd

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