[Nut-upsuser] Ever hear of Robanton?

Arjen de Korte nut+users at de-korte.org
Sat Aug 18 09:58:36 UTC 2007

Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:

> 	It claims there are 2 signal configurations (But nothing about
> how to tell which yours has... )
> Type I:
> 	Pin 2 - AC Power Failure
> 	Pin 4 - Common Ground of 2,5,6
> 	Pin 5 - UPS Battery Low
> 	Pin 6 - Turn off UPS
> Type II:
> 	Pin 2 - AC Power Failure
> 	Pin 4 - Common Ground of 2,5
> 	Pin 5 - UPS Battery Low
> 	Pin 6 - Turn off UPS
> 	Pin 7 - GND of Pin 6
> 	They also had 2 pieces of software to run it, RUPS and UPSILION.
> 	RUPS has a DOS, Linux, Netware, Win31 and Windows set of programs
> 	UPSILION has NetWare, Unix (Linux 2.x, FreeBSD 2.x, 3.x and 4.x)
> and Windows program
> 	They all seem to intimate being able to set things such as :
> 		System Shutdown Delay Time When AC Power Failed
> 		System Shutdown Delay Time when Battery Low
> 		UPS Turn Off Delay Time
> 		Shutdown Count Down Display
> 		Scheduling Function (Activate a shutdown)
> 		Turn off UPS after System Shutdown
> 		etc..

Neither of the above functions require more than a contact closure
interface. I'd be surprised if it would even have 'intelligence' in the
form of a microcontroller on board.

> 	But one of the bigger things is telling you the
> Input Voltage, Output Voltage, % Battery Level, Input Frequency,
> Last Spike, Last Sag, Last Failure Cause.
> 	With all this, doesn't it mean that there is SOME more intelligence
> to the UPS than "OL, OB, LB"?

I doubt it, but prove me wrong.

Best regards, Arjen

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