[Nut-upsuser] question on user auth

Arnaud Quette aquette.dev at gmail.com
Thu Feb 1 19:07:38 CET 2007

2007/1/23, Eric A. Hall <ehall at ehsco.com>:
> Is user authentication ever needed for just querying variables?
> My cacti script seems to be cooked, and I'm just wondering if I need to
> mess with username/password stuff. Not hard but if it's not needed then
> why bother...

simple answer: not needed.
basically, most pluggin like your cacti are upsc like client.
you can get other (cacti) example here:

Linux / Unix Expert - MGE UPS SYSTEMS - R&D Dpt
Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader - http://www.networkupstools.org/
Debian Developer - http://people.debian.org/~aquette/
OpenSource Developer - http://arnaud.quette.free.fr/

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