[Nut-upsuser] ST7 RS232 USB Bridge (STMicroelectronics) UPS

Charles Lepple clepple at gmail.com
Sun Jul 1 15:16:12 UTC 2007

On 7/1/07, Dâniel Fraga <fragabr at gmail.com> wrote:

>         I tried newhidups, hidups also without success...

You could try running 'newhidups -u root -x vendorid=0483 -x explore
-DD' on the UPS, and send the output to the list. (If it's long,
please gzip the output and attach it.) This is a debugging mode, so it
will not actually monitor the UPS state, but the information can help
us match the device to others that are supported by the new
megatec_usb driver.

It may also be worthwhile to try the megatec_usb driver directly. This
driver was introduced after 2.0.5 was released. The latest NUT release
candidate is 2.2.0-pre2, and it can be downloaded here:


Let us know how it works.

- Charles Lepple

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