[Nut-upsuser] osx packages?

Charles Lepple clepple at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 11:05:40 UTC 2007

On 6/20/07, Valentijn Sessink <v.sessink at openoffice.nl> wrote:
> Charles Lepple schreef:
> > Binaries are automatically built here from the unstable tree:
> > http://fink.sodan.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/item/14
> Thanks. That worked out of the box (it was a 10.4 machine after all).
> Still, it makes me wonder: it seems to me that there's no
> startup-functionality in Fink, is there? I mean, it would be easy to
> write a sort of wrapper startup that would traverse /sw/etc/rc... to
> start services, but there is none, is there?

There is "daemonic", which creates entries in the StartupItems folder.

> I wrote my own startup item to start upsmon, is that the right way to do it?

Whatever works, really. (A launchd item would work, too.)

- Charles Lepple

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