[Nut-upsuser] Microdowell (cpsups) driver segfault

Arjen de Korte nut+users at de-korte.org
Wed Jun 20 12:31:42 UTC 2007

> The powerpanel driver starts like this:
> Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.0.5
> Network UPS Tools -  CyberPower text protocol UPS driver 0.12 (2.0.5)
> Warning: This is an experimental driver.
> Some features may not function correctly.
> warning: sent "\r", expected "#2\r" but got ""
> Detected CYBER POWER 1000VA on /dev/ttyS0

The warning should be fixed in nut-2.2.0-pre1, among other minor cosmetic
things. It's just a warning, so don't be bothered by it.

> after this it seems to work ok, even if it the numbers reported for input
> voltage look a little low.
> (205 to 211 in a country where nominal voltage is supposed to be 230).
> Maybe it's just lousy power.(I have no easy way to verify)

Your input power seems to be between 8 and 11% too low, which is on the
edge of the limits (230V ± 10%). However, there is a fair chance that this
is only a measurement error. The voltage monitoring circuits in UPSes
usually measure the average mains voltage, which will only be an accurate
representation of the RMS voltage if you don't have too much distorsion.
If a couple of non-PFC power supplies are connected to the same phase it
is connected to, you'll have plenty of that. Also note that these circuits
are usually crappy anyway, so you won't get the accuracy of a real
measurement instrument (which most of the time will also not give better
than 3% accuracy). The repeatability is usually quite good though, so
you'll be able to follow a trend, which is much more interesting.

> Just to confirm: cpsups is still broken in 2.2.0-pre1. (it still
> segfaults, no matter what the compilation options are)

No surprises here, it has received essentially no maintenance in the past
two years.

> It would be nice if someone could update the Microdowell entry in
> http://www.networkupstools.org/compat/stable.html to "powerpanel" instead
> of "cpsups" .

That should happen when nut-2.2.0 is released. The latest stable version
is nut-2.0.5 and the powerpanel driver made it just in time for that
release. I didn't want to take the chance of substituting an existing
driver with a driver that was not mature.

Best regards, Arjen

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