[Nut-upsuser] APC/MGE and NUT support

Arnaud Quette aquette.dev at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 09:12:54 CET 2007

Hi Jon,

2007/3/9, Jon Gough <jon.gough at eclipsesystems.com.au>:
>  Arnaud,
>    I know this may be contentious, but what benefit does Schneider gain
> from supporting the NUT software? Does Schneider intend to sell UPS control
> software? If so the NUT software may be in direct competition. If not, they
> may not consider the cost worth it for a 'few' linux machines, as they may
> be looking at much bigger environment, ie 'Windoze servers', or current
> mainstream unix data centres. Is the Schneider market considerably different
> from APC, ie did APC aim at small offices/ homes etc?

customers happyness, along with mass linux market access maybe (data
centres, desktop, ...) are the interests.
But this can also be done with the proprietary offering.
So the whole point is here: do linux (and free software) users want free
software for their hardware, or do they don't care at all ?!

I am happy to send a mail to the suggestions box, but as I don't have one of
> these UPSs I am not sure how much clout I will have saying they should
> continue to pay for supporting rivals equipment.

that doesn't stop you from buying in APC/MGE in the future, nor from stating
your support to NUT ;)

For the recall, MGE is the one who sponsored (and now hired me) to develop
mge-*, snmp-ups, newhidups (with the generic approach that allowed easy
adding of other mfr support!), wmnut, website hosting, HAL support
(underway), new configuration (underway), ... Losing such a thing would
really be bad, while increasing this support would be the best for (at
least) NUT!

Thanks for your support,
Linux / Unix Expert - MGE UPS SYSTEMS - R&D Dpt
Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader - http://www.networkupstools.org/
Debian Developer - http://people.debian.org/~aquette/
OpenSource Developer - http://arnaud.quette.free.fr/
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