[Nut-upsuser] powermust usb

Vieri rentorbuy at yahoo.com
Sun May 6 11:51:37 UTC 2007

I also did:

# ./megatec_usb -DDDDD -x vendor=06da -x mfr=OMRON
Network UPS Tools 2.1.0 - Megatec protocol driver
1.5.2 [megatec_usb]
Carlos Rodrigues (c) 2003-2007

Serial-over-USB transport layer for Megatec protocol
driver [megatec_usb]

debug level is '5'
Checking device (0000/0000) (001/001)
- VendorID: 0000
- ProductID: 0000
- Manufacturer: unknown
- Product: unknown
- Serial Number: unknown
- Bus: 001
Trying to match device
Device does not match - skipping
Checking device (06DA/0003) (002/002)
- VendorID: 06da
- ProductID: 0003
- Manufacturer: OMRON
- Product: USB UPS
- Serial Number: unknown
- Bus: 002
Trying to match device
Device does not match - skipping
Checking device (0000/0000) (002/001)
- VendorID: 0000
- ProductID: 0000
- Manufacturer: unknown
- Product: unknown
- Serial Number: unknown
- Bus: 002
Trying to match device
Device does not match - skipping
No appropriate HID device found

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