[Nut-upsuser] Powerware Prestige 1000VA

Kjell Claesson kjell.claesson at epost.tidanet.se
Sat May 19 16:19:15 UTC 2007


lör 2007-05-19 klockan 14:24 +0100 skrev nut at deltabbs.org:
> Hi all,
> I've more-or-less got NUT 2.0.4 working with my Powerware Prestige
> 1000VA UPS (serial), but unfortunately NUT is flagging LOW_BATTERY
> continuously, which is a tad embarrassing when power fails ;-)
Can you upgrade to 2.0.5, or any better if you can use the svn trunk. 
There is a bug in 2.0.4 in the shutdown, so the shutdown delay would not
work as expected.

And in 2.0.5 I use the topologi block that is not present in older
ups'es using the bcmxcp protocol. But this is fixed in the svn trunk.

But the error you get come from another thing. Some powerware
ups'es signaling the OB an LB via the alarm block. So the driver is
made to check if the alarm is present, then it use this to set the
LB status.

There may be a different alarm-map in your ups.

Start up the driver like this.

/pat/to/bcmxcp -DD -a blah

And sen me the output then i can see what alarms you have.

> The numbers from upsc blah at localhost seem reasonable:
> ambient.temperature:   24.5
> battery.charge: 99
> battery.runtime: 3999
> battery.voltage:   69.2
> driver.name: bcmxcp
> driver.parameter.port: /dev/ttyS0
> driver.version: 2.0.4
> driver.version.internal: 0.10
> input.frequency:   50.0
> input.voltage:  239.0
> output.frequency:   50.0
> ups.firmware: 02.07
> ups.load:   0.2
> ups.model: Powerware Prestige 1000VA
> ups.power.nominal: 1000
> ups.serial: **********
> ups.status: OL LB
> ups.voltage.nominal: 240
> but I suspect the 'LB' in ups.status is the clue. Does this indicate low
>  battery? I'm curious as the battery charge is shown as 99% and the
> battery voltage is OK (for the 5x 12V batteries is has). Could it be the
> battery pack has failed self-test?
> Any clues gratefully received!


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