[Nut-upsuser] installing nut for Mac OS X

Charles Lepple clepple at gmail.com
Thu May 31 20:08:50 UTC 2007

On 5/31/07, steve harley <garbanzito at mac.com> wrote:
> i'd like to install nut on Mac OS X 10.4.9; i can't seem to get the Fink install to work (notes below), and i'm only semi-facile at command line installs; is installing nut on Mac OS X as simple as "make install" and no dependencies? if not is there a summary of what i'd need to do?

The tricky part about installing on OS X is the integration with the
shutdown system. I currently have a laptop running OS X, and my Cube
just kicked the bucket, so I have not spent the time to figure out how
to have the OS call NUT's shutdown script at the right time to turn
off the UPS at the battery-low signal.

Then again, you can still monitor remote systems with the Fink package.

As for dependencies, you need libusb for a USB UPS, although you
should be able to use Fink's libusb for that.

> regarding nut on Fink:
> based on a note in this list's archive i found that nut 2.0.4-1, plus nut-usb and nut-cgi, should be in Fink's stable branch:
> <http://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/package.php/nut>
> however, with a fully up-to-date Fink install, neither the command line:
>   fink list nut

Strange. By "fully up-to-date", you mean that you have run "fink
selfupdate" since installing?

Also, is this 10.4.9 system an upgrade from 10.3?

What does "fink --version" return?

- Charles Lepple

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