[Nut-upsuser] mge galaxy 6000 three-phase supported or not?

Bernd Markgraf Bernd.Markgraf at med.ovgu.de
Tue Sep 25 12:43:04 UTC 2007

> > excellent... is there any driver that you dont enhance? ;-)
> Sure. I sometimes break them... :-)
hehe... which ones do you recommend i should avoid? ;-)

> Ah, I found it again. I forgot to commit this (the patch looks clean, so I
> think we can safely add this).

> > I was about to evaluate the use of a sufficient delay... once I have a
> > maintenance window on my boxes I'll test that. The last scheduled
> > power-outage was so short that the upsen didn't come anywhere near a
> > shutdown... ;-)
> The thing that stopped me from adding this, is how to make the delay
> configurable. We can probably use the 'ups.delay.(start|shutdown|reboot)'
> (R/W) variables for that and put some sensible defaults in there. On
> startup, we would write these values to the UPS (if found in ups.conf) and
> then the 'shutdown.stayoff', 'shutdown.restart' and 'shutdown.reboot'
> commands would just need to send the repective 'start' command. What do
> you think about that? Does that make any sense?
it does... but at least for the powerware upsen writing the delay to the
ups starts the countdown so that's not quite what we want ;-)


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