[Nut-upsuser] Unsupported UPS using megatec_usb

Alexander I. Gordeev lasaine at lvk.cs.msu.su
Mon May 5 21:24:55 UTC 2008

On Mon, 05 May 2008 00:39:43 +0400, Jamie Thompson <lists.nut-upsuser at jamie-thompson.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi, I've just run the same binaries on my new test machine, and I get the following output:
>> Network UPS Tools 2.2.1- - Megatec protocol driver 1.5.9 [megatec_usb]
>> Carlos Rodrigues (c) 2003-2007
>> Serial-over-USB transport layer for Megatec protocol driver [megatec_usb]
>> Andrey Lelikov (c) 2006, Alexander Gordeev (c) 2006-2007, Jon Gough (c) 2007
>> Asking for UPS information [I]...
>> get_data_krauler: index [0c], prefix [#]
>> I => OK [#                UPS500V    VER3.10C  ]
>> Megatec protocol UPS detected [ UPS500V VER3.10C].
>> Asking for UPS power ratings [F]...
>> get_data_krauler: index [0d], prefix [#]
>> F => OK [#230.0 003 11.50 50.0]
>> Unsupported battery voltage (11.5V).
>> This UPS has an unsupported combination of battery voltage/number of batteries.
>> Cannot calculate charge percentage for this UPS.
> Helpfully, less failures there.
>> Also please try version 2.2.2-pre3 released today:
>> http://www.networkupstools.org/source.html
> My next port of call.

It is MUCH better now! No single USB communication error. It seems that
something was not ok with the USB host hardware/software on the previous

>> Asking for UPS status [Q1]...
>> get_data_krauler: index [03], prefix [(]
>> get_data_krauler: retry [UPS No Ack]
>> get_data_krauler: retry [UPS No Ack]
>> Q1 => OK [(231.0 165.0 231.0 000 50.2 13.0 00.0 00001010]

This is normal.

>> As Carlos wrote recently there is no way to calculate charge percentage
>> if I and F commands fail.
>> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/nut-upsuser/2008-April/003970.html
> Ok, they don't fail on my test machine, so I'll ignore that problem for now...one thing at a time ;)
> - Jamie

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