[Nut-upsuser] validating ambient.temperature from APC IEM (AP9618, AP9619) patch

Dmitry Frolov frol at nov.net
Thu May 8 06:52:27 UTC 2008

Please CC me on replies, as I'm not subscribed.

* Arnaud Quette <aquette.dev at gmail.com> [07.05.2008 20:38]:

> Hi Dmitry and the list,
> would you (or anyone owning such a device) be able to validate the below patch:
> https://alioth.debian.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=310613&group_id=30602&atid=411542
> Most notably, it's about the paths changes:
> -#define APCC_OID_IEM_TEMP       "."
> -#define APCC_OID_IEM_TEMP_UNIT  "."
> +#define APCC_OID_IEM_TEMP       "."
> +#define APCC_OID_IEM_TEMP_UNIT  "."
>  #define APCC_IEM_FAHRENHEIT	    2
> -#define APCC_OID_IEM_HUMID      "."
> +#define APCC_OID_IEM_HUMID      "."

It will probably work here on SURT5000XL+AP9619, that I have access
to, i.e. starting index in iemStatusProbesTable is 1, not 0:

PowerNet-MIB::iemStatusProbesNumProbes.0 = INTEGER: 1
PowerNet-MIB::iemStatusProbeNumber.1 = INTEGER: 1
PowerNet-MIB::iemStatusProbeName.1 = STRING: "Integrated"
PowerNet-MIB::iemStatusProbeStatus.1 = INTEGER: connected(2)
PowerNet-MIB::iemStatusProbeCurrentTemp.1 = INTEGER: 24
PowerNet-MIB::iemStatusProbeTempUnits.1 = INTEGER: celsius(1)
PowerNet-MIB::iemStatusProbeCurrentHumid.1 = INTEGER: -1
PowerNet-MIB::iemStatusProbeHighTempViolation.1 = INTEGER: disabled(3)
PowerNet-MIB::iemStatusProbeLowTempViolation.1 = INTEGER: disabled(3)
PowerNet-MIB::iemStatusProbeHighHumidViolation.1 = INTEGER: disabled(3)
PowerNet-MIB::iemStatusProbeLowHumidViolation.1 = INTEGER: disabled(3)

As I can see the 0-s at the end of the OIDs were added blindly while
converting GETNEXT->GET, so replacing them with 1-s shouldn't break

Here is a sample snmpwalk on SURT5000XL+AP9619 and SU750RM+AP9617 for
reference if anyone needs it:


> thanks,
> Arnaud
> -- 
> Linux / Unix Expert R&D - MGE Office Protection Systems - http://www.mgeops.com
> Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader - http://www.networkupstools.org/
> Debian Developer - http://people.debian.org/~aquette/
> Free Software Developer - http://arnaud.quette.free.fr/

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