[Nut-upsuser] Network UPS Tools version 2.2.2 released

Arjen de Korte nut+devel at de-korte.org
Wed May 14 12:30:47 UTC 2008

> So yes, you're welcome to register a demo link, but using the freshly
> created http://demo.networkupstools.org/
> I've pointed your page, and just regenerated the DNS entries. So it
> will take a few more days to propagate.

Provided you didn't change the nameservers for the 'networkupstools.org'
domain at the same time, this should more than the time the 'ns1.amen.fr'
and 'ns2.amen.fr' to reload the 'networkupstools.org' zone. If this is
significantly longer than a couple of hours (at the most), it's time to
find another place for these records.


> Finally, I'm still sad to see an APC as a NUT demo ;-p

Is there still so much hostility between MGE and APC, even after the
merger? ;-)

Bruce has a standing offer to give us something back. We could ask him if
he's willing to setup a upsstats page for the 800kVA Galaxy 6000 he's
using for powering a 1300+ nodes cluster. That's an MGE UPS device.
Granted, not an MGE OPS unit either, but at least it gets the first three
characters right... :-)

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
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