[Nut-upsuser] Tripp-lite Omni VS1000

Arjen de Korte nut+users at de-korte.org
Sun Nov 23 21:19:26 UTC 2008

Citeren Barb Smith <mystified at satx.rr.com>:

> I ran a test and got the following:

What test? Please be specific here.

> Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.2.2
> Network UPS Tools: 0.29 USB communication driver - core 0.33 (2.2.2)
> Using subdriver: TrippLite HID 0.2 (experimental)
> Initiating UPS shutdown
> Shutdown failed!
> Driver failed to start (exit status=1)
> But the driver is started

You UPS doesn't support enough HID PDC variables to be able to specify  
a shutdown with delay and a delayed restart. This makes that the  
'shutdown.return' function can't be used (this is tried first).  
Unfortunately, it also doesn't seem to support 'shutdown.reboot'  
(which is tried if the first method fails). The only way to shutdown  
your UPS, is to send it a 'load.off.delay' command (and hope for the  
best that it will switch back on when the power returns). That command  
most likely will be supported (see the list of commands by running  
'upscmd -l omni1000' when both driver and server are running), but  
isn't in the set of shutdown commands in nut-2.2.2. This has been in  
the development version for a while now, so it will be included in the  
next stable release when that comes out.

Best regards, Arjen
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