[Nut-upsuser] Adding a 'refresh' value to the upsstats web page

Arjen de Korte nut+users at de-korte.org
Fri Feb 6 08:55:35 UTC 2009

Citeren Jim Neeland <nuts op neeland.net>:

> I'd like to have the UPS status web page automatically refreshed.
> I've found a reference to using @REFRESH@ in the upsstats.html
> page, but as far as I can tell in looking at the code, somewhere I
> need to provide a value to the refreshdelay variable, and I see no
> way to do that other than changing the source code.  I'm using
> nut 2.2.

This value is passed to upsstats.cgi through the 'refresh' value in the URL:


You'd also need to add @REFRESH@ in 'upsstats.html' page, since that's  
not in the default one shipped so far (see 'man 5 upsstats.html' on  
how to do that).

Best regards, Arjen
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