[Nut-upsuser] NUT and Ablerex MARS 3000RT

Snoopy Great great.snoopy at gmail.com
Wed Mar 11 08:40:21 UTC 2009

> Again, the battery voltage shown is reported by the UPS. We can't do
> anything about that if it is static, complain to the vendor instead.

Hello, and thank you for your reply;
Well, the value should not be static, could it be a data parsing error ?

1. Manuel  has the same ups model, and the charge level showed by nut is not
constant. However he seems to be running the initial version from svn.
2. I have 2 identical UPS, I think it's quite improbable that both are
defective and send a constant value for both charge level and voltage.
3. The original ups software seems to show variable values for those
parameters, but this point I'll have to test a little later (the ups is in
production, and it's a little harder to
make experiments changing the software and/or disconnecting the main power
supply to force ups in OB mode).

Is there any chance something else changed between Manuel's version and mine
that could explain the misreading ?
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