[Nut-upsuser] Weird Load and Battery Temp Readings

Arjen de Korte nut+users at de-korte.org
Sat Mar 14 20:47:08 UTC 2009

Citeren Bob Blackwell <rc.blackwell op yahoo.ca>:


> The systems message.log contains several lines with;
> Mar 13 19:16:20 DNS323_NAS user.warn kernel: usb 1-1.2: usbfs: process
> 26398 (usbhid-ups) did not claim interface 0 before use

This usually means that more than one driver is active for the same  
USB device and/or hotplug/udev isn´t setup properly. It could  
occasionally happen if the connection is lost as well.

> Issuing a usbhid-ups -DD -a APC_UPS reveals;


This debug level is too low to provide enough input. For this problem,  
you'll need to run it with debug level 5 before it will show what is  
going on. Please note the following from 'man 8 nutupsdrv':

"The level of debugging needed depends both on the driver and the
problem you're trying to diagnose.  Therefore, first explain the problem you
have with a driver to a developer/maintainer, before sending them debugging
output.  More often than not, if you just pick a level, the output may be
either too limited or too verbose to be of any use."

Best regards, Arjen
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