[Nut-upsuser] PowerOff on Debian, and driver issues

Arjen de Korte nut+users at de-korte.org
Wed Feb 24 14:58:14 UTC 2010

Citeren Marc Franquesa <marc.franquesa op l3jane.net>:

> I searched for the newmge-shut driver on the web and in some pages is
> considered still in testing and not recommended for production environment.
> I tried it on my install and doesn't work well (it reports LB, very low
> runtime and it doesn't know the online status). At which NUT version is
> considered stable enough this driver?

That's weird. Could you post the output of this driver running in debug mode?

     /path/to/newmge-shut -DD -a server

The first 20 seconds worth of output should be enough.

> And the last one, more easy I hope, is: ¿How can I reduce the amount of log
> output sent by upsd?
> I want to avoid the amount of messages like this:
> [...]
> Feb 24 13:49:02 rei upsd[12290]: Connection from
> Feb 24 13:49:02 rei upsd[12290]: Client on logged out
> Feb 24 13:49:02 rei upsd[12290]: Connection from
> Feb 24 13:49:02 rei upsd[12290]: Client on logged out
> Feb 24 13:49:02 rei upsd[12290]: Connection from
> Feb 24 13:49:02 rei upsd[12290]: Client on logged out
> [...]

In that case, configure syslog to not report messages with priority  
LOG_DEBUG. See the manual page of your syslog daemon on how to do this.

Best regards, Arjen
Please keep list traffic on the list

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