[Nut-upsuser] Liebert PSP

Will Cooke will at whizzy.org
Wed Sep 22 16:42:21 UTC 2010

On 22 September 2010 14:02, Charles Lepple <clepple at gmail.com> wrote:
> Cool! Can you please send the output of "upsc your-ups at localhost" (adjusting
> the second argument for your configuration)?


> Which file did you adapt for this? belkin-hid.c?

I started trying to adapt the Belkin one, but it seems the devices are
so different that it was easier to start from scratch with an
automatically created stub driver.

> Basically, the "feature discovery" happens when you run the usbhid-ups
> driver in "explore" mode, and you might not have the same set of HID Usages.
> Details on how to run this against your UPS are here:
> http://buildbot.networkupstools.org/~buildbot/docs/latest/website/developer-guide.html#hid-subdrivers
> (under "4.21.3. Writing a subdriver").

That's pretty much the data I used, except from

> Actually, if you wouldn't mind, can you post the output of running the
> driver in explore mode with "-DD"? (gzipped again, please)

Attached with -DDD as request by Arjen.  (Interestingly, I'm not
seeing the 1E-7 numbers I was seeing before after chaning to a %g
output format, but I don't think I've changed anything?
Anyway - I hope the attached is what you need.

Cheers, WIll
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