[Nut-upsuser] Step by step help for Windows Vista User?

Charles Lepple clepple at gmail.com
Sat Nov 12 18:25:48 UTC 2011

On Nov 11, 2011, at 1:54 PM, Jürgen Wege wrote:

> Hi all,
> sorry for this message, but maybe I am the most dumb user in here,  
> so, please accept my appologies asking novice questions.
> I have tried 6 searched for more than 4 hours now, read all html-man  
> files I could think need to be read and also the major one, but I  
> did not manage to get the NUT to successfully run on my Vista  
> machine. (it runs, but I cannot use it ... see later).

What's Vista? Is that some sort of theme for Windows NT? ;-)

Take comfort in the fact that the Windows port of NUT is in beta  
status, and is only really supported by one developer at Eaton. But  
there may be enough overlap with the rest of NUT that we can help.

> Is there any Step- by- Step guide that is written for real dummies?  
> (I mean for dummies! The "NUT user Manual" seems to be too high  
> level for me.)

Chapter 6 of the User Manual goes through configuration step-by-step:


It even starts with a single UPS<->PC connection, then progresses  
towards network concepts.

> My major problem seems to be that I do not understand the concept in  
> full yet, especially:
> - What needs to be started to have a system that:
> - - reads the state of an attached UPS frequently
> - - can be requested from a TCP Client using  <ip-of-machine>:3493

* a driver (running on the machine connected directly to the UPS  
communications port)
* upsd (with a LISTEN directive; see below)
* upsmon (for automated shutdowns)

> - What needs to be modified to:
> - - have a local installation that would run local programs upon  
> events from the UPS (like "onpower", "onbattery")


> - - have the machine respond (or allow to open) to clients using the  
> <ip-of-machine>:3493 to connect
> - is there any way to run an exe locally to tell in which state the  
> system is?

use "upsc":


> I have:
> - sucessfully installed the msi
> - got the service to run (after first errors and finally change the  
> "mode" to "standalone")
> - have modified the ups.conf and inserted [APC01MAIN] section with  
> driver=usbhid-ups, port=auto, vendorid=051D
> - modified the firewall to allow incoming requests for port  3493  
> (all levels)
> I cannot:
> - use the (old?) WinClient to connect to the service
> - use any other TCP Client to connect to  <ip-of-machine>:3493
> - have no idea what to do to get a local info on the UPS's state
> What went completely nuts?
> - I tried to set up the system to use <ip>:3493 to listen to.  
> Changed upsd.conf and inserted LISTEN= and LISTEN=<ip>: 
> 3493

Have you tried using LISTEN without the "=" sign?


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