[Nut-upsuser] LiebertPSP

Tim Gould tgould at reverb.com.au
Sat Sep 24 21:00:25 UTC 2011

-DDD output attached.

On 25/09/2011, at 1:00 , Charles Lepple wrote:

>>> Tue Jul 13 19:54:03 UTC 2010
>>> Citeren Michelle Wright <michelle.wright op gmail.com>:
>>> > $ sudo /lib/nut/usbhid-ups -DDD -a maxfun
>>> > Network UPS Tools - Generic HID driver 0.34 (2.4.3)
>>> > USB communication driver 0.31
> Can you stop the original driver, and re-run it as indicated above? Debug level 3 (as shown) should be sufficient. You can add something like "| tee /tmp/liebert-`date -I`.txt" to log to both the screen and a log file.
> After the driver gets into the polling loop, press Ctrl-C. Please gzip the log and attach it to your reply.
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