[Nut-upsuser] Opti-UPS Value Series 575C

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Mon Aug 26 19:10:49 UTC 2013


(first of all, FAQ tells me I should mention "queequeg" :P)

I recently bought the UPS mentioned in the subject, assuming it'd work
with Linux somehow, and the protocol will soon be something common --
turns out I was wrong.

Website of the UPS: http://www.opti-ups.com/ -> USA -> Click on the
big banner when it turns up (turns out I can't like to it directly,
probably needs some cookie for the language selection -.-)

It came with some "Sentinel" software for Windows.

Calling the optiups driver with -h revealed something about a custom
cable - before I go soldering, anyone knows what the odds are of this
working with this UPS?

Before I discovered the help output I also tried all other serial
drivers, without any success.

Also, what does the red color mean in the compability table? Anything
that's not supported, or is it just "you have to solder your own cable
but then you should be okay"?

On the other hand, if it doesn't work, I might just start trying to
reverse-engineer the protocol. Sounds like a nice way to get started
with reverse-engineering :)


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