[Nut-upsuser] Powercom BNT-1500AP serial config

Bill Carlson billcarlson at wkks.org
Thu May 2 13:24:18 UTC 2013

On 05/02/2013 07:31 AM, Charles Lepple wrote:
> It looks like the BNT-other defaults were updated after 2.4.3, specifically to address the BNT-1500AP. I think you can just add the following "BNT-other" values to ups.conf:
>     http://www.networkupstools.org/docs/man/powercom.html#_bnt_other

Wow, that's weird, google search results totally missed this page.

Thanks for the pointer, exactly what I needed, was having an issue 
figuring out what the 5-tuple for batteryPercentage actually did.

I freely admit I missed 'man -k powercom', thanks for a man page!


Bill Carlson

Anything is possible, given Time and Money.

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