[Nut-upsuser] New UPS supported in 2.0.4

Patrick Agrain patrick.agrain at alcatel-lucent.com
Tue Apr 1 06:51:14 UTC 2014

Hi Julian,

We are facing the same requirements.
Our system runs a 2.0.3 version of NUT with MGE / Eaton UPSes from 
Ellipse model with the newhidups driver.
Up to now, they work without problem.

Patrick Agrain

Le 28/03/2014 00:47, Julian Nguyen a écrit :
> Hi,
> I need to get a USB based UPS for a system which is running NUT 2.0.4 
> (a Debian Etch system).  Does anyone know of a UPS that I can buy 
> today that is supported by 2.0.4?  Unfortunately upgrading the OS (and 
> NUT) isn't an option.  Previously, we used the Powerware 5110 (which 
> used the bcmxcp_usb driver) and that worked fine, however that UPS has 
> been discontinued and is no longer available, and I am having trouble 
> finding a suitable replacement.  So far I've tried the Eaton 5S UPS 
> using various NUT 2.0.4 USB drivers to no avail.
> Regards,
> Julian
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