[Nut-upsuser] multiple identical UPS on same server

Charles Lepple clepple at gmail.com
Wed Aug 13 13:14:13 UTC 2014

On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 6:41 AM, Marcello Vezzelli
<m.vezzelli at e-works.it> wrote:

> It would be great if I could specify Device #id (taken from lsusb) in
> ups.conf file for each UPS. This way I can identify precisely one UPS in
> every case.

Slightly different situation than this, but for reference:


The problem is that the device ID is not stable - it usually increases
monotonically (until it wraps), but it is probably not predictable
enough to be used for anything but monitoring (you wouldn't want to
shut down the wrong UPS).

The libusb-1.0 API has the concept of a "port number" which should be
slightly more stable, but we haven't made plans to transition to that
API.  If someone is interested in porting all of the drivers, we could
discuss that.

We have been organizing some of the upsc output that people have
posted to the mailing lists over the years:


This should help when buying to see if the UPS has a unique serial
number available.

- Charles Lepple

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