[Nut-upsuser] UPS Groups?

Ben Kamen bkamen at benjammin.net
Wed Oct 15 18:58:13 UTC 2014

On 2014-10-15 1:50 PM, Michael Stinaff wrote:
> Maybe this will clear up what I was initially thinking.
> In this diagram all lines on the right of the UPSs are power lines and all lines on the left are serial/usb lines.
>           .---.
>        +--|UPS+-----+--------+--------+---...
>        |  | A1|     |        |        |
>        |  '---' .---+--. .---+--. .---+--.
>        |        |Server| |Server| |Server|
>        |        |  A1  | |  A2  | |  A3  |
>        |  .---. '---+--' '---+--' '---+--'
>        | +|UPS|     |        |        |
>        | || A2+-----+--------+--------+---...
>        | |'---'
>        | |
> .-----+-+.
> |Central |
> |NUT Host|
> '-----+-+'
>        | |
>        | |.---.
>        | +|UPS+-----+--------+--------+---...
>        |  | B1|     |        |        |
>        |  '---' .---+--. .---+--. .---+--.
>        |        |Server| |Server| |Server|
>        |        |  B1  | |  B2  | |  B3  |
>        |  .---. '---+--' '---+--' '---+--'
>        |  |UPS|     |        |        |
>        +--| B2+-----+--------+--------+---...
>           '---'

Mmmm... ASCII art....

So reminiscent of the 80's.

Makes me wanna power up my BBS system and look at the old screens again. ;)

I love it.

(thumbs up)


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