[Nut-upsuser] How do I disable messages from upsmon?

Rob Groner rgroner at RTD.com
Thu Sep 11 14:38:41 UTC 2014

I've followed the config setup docs and also the excellent guide from Roger Price.

I'm using openSUSE 13.1 and built NUT 2.7.2 from the sources (latest stable).

I'm hooked up to a dummy UPS that basically just cycles from fully charged down to about 20% discharged.  I was pleased when I started seeing the messages on my screen indicating the UPS was online or on-battery.  Given how often the unit cycles, however (about every 30 seconds), it was quickly annoying to get the system messages, so I went into the upsmon.conf file and commented out the "online" and "onbatt" NOTIFYFLAG messages.  I then did a reload of upsmon...but found I was still getting the messages.

Long story short, my upsmon.conf file now consists of a single entry:

MONITOR rtdups at localhost 1 upsmaster sekret master

I'm still getting the onbattery,  online, comm good, comm bad, etc  system messages.  Clearly there is some default behavior going on.  How do I keep these system messages from happening?



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